Whatever we know, or think we know, about our “selves” and the “world” around us, we communicate about with the use of language or symbolism. Robert Wilson called it the "brain software" in his book Quantum Psychology. A human being without brain software would not be able to communicate let alone understand his inner or outer realms. Even in areas of art and math, we need some kind of symbols to visualize or talk to ourselves. Just as most of the technology we all use has a processing system that needs updating over time, so works our human brain as well.
In yogic science, the brain is simply a physical manifestation of the mind itself. Our brain is a physical representation of the existence of our mind, so in simpler terms the brain software can be referred to as the mind. When we work with the mind or we look at ways to improve the functioning of our mind, we are really working with our own processing system. How you process information determines how you perceive your world. And how you perceive your world determines how you experience your reality. And how you experience your reality determines how you experience yourself within that reality. We can take this pattern of impact and deconstruct it into your smallest form of existence, the smallest particle, and you would see the critical influence of your processing system in your everyday life.
My favorite analogy of the mind is that, the mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy; it all depends on how you have programmed it. Working on your mental paradigm is the foundation of long lasting transformation. People can give you a long list of behaviors or guidelines to practice, but simply changing your behaviors does not bring about lasting change. In order for real change to occur you have to change how you assimilate information, or at least become aware of it. Your conscious awareness is the key to making any change. See, by simply changing your behavior through repetition, and thinking that it will eventually sink in, that’s faulty thinking. Some of our current scientific models and evidence-based treatments have taken that exact approach only to show that in most cases it has shown minimal to no success long term. People do a behavior and feel better for a short time and before you know it they are back to the same struggles and habits. Now, the reason for that is that people are not making foundational changes, they are not addressing the deep-rooted problem that stems from their mental paradigm. How you process information ultimately determines how you will react to internal and external stimuli.
How we process information is our first inkling of reality, and it usually appears as a simple thought inside of our own heads. So, the question than is how do we process information? This brings us first to the concept of dualism. Everything in existence has a polar opposite existence as well. For every word in our vocabulary, we have synonyms and antonyms, words that mean the same and words that mean the exact opposite. Just as we have a left hemisphere and right hemisphere in our brain, or the concepts of femininity and masculinity, or north and south, or east and west, or good and evil, we have an intellectual processor and an emotional processor. There are some of us who process information intellectually, and others who process information emotionally. Lets take the concepts of introverts and extroverts as an example. Introverts are internally driven and have a tendency of processing information intellectually first, versus extroverts who are externally driven and they tend to process information emotionally first. Now, one of the differences between extroverts and introverts is that extroverts are a lot more expressive, they have no problem sharing what’s on their mind, and telling you about their day, versus an introvert who is constantly in dialogue inside of his own head and has a tendency of over thinking before speaking. To be one or the other 100% is not a healthy way of being, it creates a huge imbalance in life when we are too much of anything. To experience balance in our lives, we have to process information both intellectually and emotionally. We have to run it through both processing systems to see the bigger picture, only then can we make sound decisions that skyrocket us into success in all areas of our lives. In order to experience true success, you have to become aware of the dualities existing within you just as they do outside of you. And the way to do that is by reaching higher levels of consciousness and awareness, and taking determined conscious actions.
For real transformative change and long-lasting success to occur, you need to work on adapting the right mental paradigm as it sets the foundation for your experiences and attitude in life! Once you master your thoughts, everything else in your life will fall into place naturally, because that’s how the mental paradigm of success works. Our thoughts are the stepping-stones for all of our experiences; everything in life starts with a “thought” first. Remember, with the right mental paradigm, anything is possible!
We like ending our articles with something inspirational and leave you with some food for thought.
The Journey Beyond the Realm of Senses
“We embark on a journey into the unknown to find ourselves. To find that part of our being that is housed in greatness. We understand that life is much more than the five senses, so we search beyond those limits that have confined our greatness. We are nomads crossing a vast wilderness of consciousness. Beyond the veil lies our destination. We journey through the darkness with torches in hand that illuminate the void. The universe has taken notice and aspires to aid our travels. We are not alone, for those that have come before us, have paved the way, they watch from the mountain top eagerly waiting our arrival. The winds whisper seek and you will find, listen and you will hear, look and you will see.” ~ Joe Lorenzana